Rationale: This is a capitalist country. Money, or the power to affect money is key. With money, you control politics. When you control politics, you control the laws and policies that govern society in general. Nothing else matters as much. The reason Black people are treated as second-class human beings by America, is because we have no money, and so far, have not organized themselves to affect the flow of money. Any plan by Black people to achieve some modicum of power must have as it's root money or a mechanism to affect the flow of money.
Blacks earn one-half what european-americans do for the same work, are out of work at twice the rate and when out of work remain so for three times as long as they are. If that were reversed, or at least balanced, Black income would double, the unemployment rate would be cut in half and the interval between jobs (which allows for some measure of family stability) and Ghettoes as we know them would disappear, and with their disappearance, ghetto ways.
The cause: The cause of this Black dilemma is corporate america. It is corporate american policy to perpetuate these injustices in the name of maintaining a cheap source of labor, magnifying their profit margins in the process. To change those policies, we must affect their bottom line. You could create a picket line from here to Singapore and those policies would not change. You could riot until there was nothing left of your community and those policies would not change. You can pray with all the zeal you can muster and the result would be the same: no change. Corporate american does not want to change those policies because that would create power in the Blacks that they could no longer control. There is money in racism. We have power we are wont to use: buying power.
The Plan: First, we must do our homework and identify all of the worst offenders in corporate america; those with the worst race record. These number are readily available through the Departments of Commerce and Labor, and are public information. We must then sort them into industry groups. Next we select the top offender in each industry group as a target. Only one will be targeted at a time, it's easier to remember the target of the month. We then stop doing business with that one offender and with all of the people associated with that target. We stop buying that target's products and services; stop watching TV programs and movies sponsored by or during which their product or service is advertised; stop reading newspapers who accept their advertising. We do this for a dozen or so industries across a spectrum that encompasses what products and services Blacks purchase.
We must maintain a no-buy policy with that target company until we see results; I don't mean signing a PUSH Covenant, because that has never done the job. I mean we keep on until we see empirical data showing a policy change and an improvement of the financial condition of it's Black employees. We show no mercy; a war of social and economic attrition. When we are done with that target, we then go down that industry list and target the next worse offender, and repeat the process.
We will need a watchdog agency to monitor the results, receiving no corporate sponsorship in itself. And it cannot be any of the traditional Black civil rights organizations because they have become too dependent on the very targets the Plan would go after. Moreover, we should not affect the bottom line of these rights organizations.
All of this must be conspicuously done, widely disseminated in as newsworthy a fashion as we can generate. Lists of the target companies must be constantly published in Black media and online, so that any Black consumer could know that his dollars are not lining the pockets of the offender/target de jure. Awards must be created for prompt, effective changes by target companies.
Funding for the agency must be found from Black community and organizations without ties to any potential target company; charitable foundations.
The moral of this plans is, to paraphrase: when you have them by their bottom lines, their hearts and mind will follow.
Six months of this plan will do more to change the economic face of Black america than anything yet devised. No picket lines would be necessary. Blacks would not need to contribute anything or go anywhere and listen to long speeches. They only need to follow the Watchdog Agency's published list to see what not to buy.
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